
Teaching & Learning

Life Skills Go

The Life Skills GO Program is a whole school approach to wellbeing. It measures student wellbeing and gives curriculum aligned content available to support every student.

Every student has the chance to connect on a daily basis with their teacher or support teacher using the Emotion Check-in.

Individual student needs are catered for in all areas of social and emotional learning.

Using the executive and individual student or class summary report students with behaviour needs can be tracked each day. Programs are built and aligned for the whole school, student or class using the program.

Benefits of the Program

Daily Emotion Check-in
Each student has the ability to check in and let the teacher know how they are feeling which is then tracked over time.

Individual Learning Plans
Individual learning plans can be set by teachers or learning support teams to meet the needs of every child who is experiencing issues at any time.

Flexible Lesson Delivery
50+ interactive and curriculum aligned programs for immediate use on the interactive whiteboard.
200+ lessons that will sit side by side with all school programs and enhance Wellbeing.

Executive Reporting Function
See at a glance how classes are travelling and have data aligned to every child for school and parent discussions.
Identify students at risk and provide assistance before the potential for behaviour issues, social or emotional issues begin to arise.