
Teaching & Learning

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) develops the knowledge, skills, understanding, values and attitudes students need to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives.

In PDH, students learn about the factors that contribute to good health. They learn to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations such as road and water safety. They learn about the dangers of drugs and learn strategies to help them make good decisions. Students recognise the characteristics that make them unique and the physical and emotional changes that occur as they grow. Students learn about relationships and conflict resolution by valuing the worth of each individual鈥檚 ideas and differences.

In PE, students learn a variety of skills in dance, games and sports. They participate in fitness activities, skills and games lessons where sportsmanship is taught and encouraged.

At 香港六合彩图库资料鈥檚 we employ a specialist PE teacher and all classes K-6 have a specialist PE lesson each week. In addition to this lesson, the classroom teacher is responsible for facilitating a sports session each week and the children learn skills and participate in team sports. Sports uniform is worn on PE day and class sport day.